Thursday, April 19, 2012

Poor Georgia

 Georgia Kate is struggling!  Welcoming home a new baby sister has not been easy on her to say the least.  We figured out that not only has she lost time with Mommy and lost her spot as the "baby" (although she is older than Tillie by a minute) she has also lost her best friend, Tillie, who is enamored with Liza.  
Poor Georgia!   

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words... this is Georgia's essay on the subject.
Georgia is less than thrilled to be a part of the group


6 weeks post partum

Dear Liza Nell,

How has it been six  weeks!?  Did I even blink?  I mean really, did I?  I know I haven't slept, that is one thing I am SURE of!

About you:

You are your older brother's sister as far as sleep goes.  You always have one eye open.  Just when I think you are out like a light and lay you down those eyes pop right back open. As wide and big as can be,  just like Theo. The difference is, when Theo was a wee one, I didn't know any better.  I have had 2 wonderful sleepers and an okay sleeper in between the two of you, so I know how it can aren't tricking me.  But,  you are winning.

Most nights I end up sleeping with you on my chest, with the boppy pillow around my neck.  Just to catch a little middle of the night nap so I can face the next day with a smile for the others. I enjoy cuddling, but I won't do this forever.  I will need to sleep, with out a child soon.  So you will be "crying it out'.  I may be going out on a limb here, but I might have gotten the same amount of sleep with the twins.  Two babies, not one baby.

When you do sleep you sleep in your crib like a big girl!  The bassinet never really worked out for you.  It was sad to take it down.  I have oh so many insomnia related memories of reaching over in my sleep to shove a binky in baby's mouth or rock that thing while we drifted back to sleep.  And now its taken down once again.  Which somehow removes you even further from the "newborn" stage.

Unlike your brother, you DONT have a fussy period during the day.  THANK GOD!  As long as you are held, you are good, and I am good holding you.  Except when there is housework, and dinner to be made, and 4 other kids needing seriously, I love holding you, and I try my best to do all those things one handed.

You have started to coo and smile-so cute.

Theo always tells me when you need something but isn't too keen on holding you, although he will stick a binky in your mouth or talk softly to you on the floor.

Mayzie is your second mother.  She tries picking you up and carrying you- a little scary!  She is a great helper though. And has affectionately given you the nickname "Little One"  which has stuck, and is what we often call you.

Georgia I know loves you, but doesn't so much love having you around...enough said.

Tillie is your third mother.  She is just as much as a helper and lover as Mayzie, if not more.  Thank goodness, because I don't know if I could deal with two attitudes like Georgia right now.

You love just sucking on the binky in my lap all swaddled up, taking in your surroundings...and there is plenty to take it!

As far as weight goes, you are a tiny...still not at the 8 lb mark yet, but you have grown and you are eating and wetting just fine, so I am sure you will catch up soon!

I guess six weeks is a pretty big milestone postpartum, so much so that they make you come back for one last appointment.  I decided to take all 5 kids.  I don't recommend this.  5 kids and a very small lady doctor room  don't really work well together.   I am glad my doctor is a family friend...and enjoys children :)  He said they closed the girl tube and made sure the boy tube was wide open for the next one- if only it was that simple.

He gave us the "no restrictions" mark on my discharge paper (like I have been laying around healing for 6 weeks) and on our way we were.   Me and all of you.   And for one quick second I thought back to how many times I had walked through those doors for OB related appointments in the past 6 years.  Countless I am sure of it.  Appointments of all different kinds for all different reasons: terribly sad,  incredibly happy, uncomfortable- like 38 weeks with twins, exciting, throwing on and on and on.  And here I was just  a handful of years later with a handful of children, including you "Little One".


Liza Nell 6 weeks

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

One Month Comparison



Georgia and Tillie
Georgia and Tillie
Liza Nell

Liza Nell

Hunger Games

If my children were in the "reaping"  I would volunteer Georgia.  She is quick, she climbs well, she hides well and she can steal food.

Oh Mayzie

Dear Mayzie,

I could not forget to post this.  Oh little before quiet time you asked me to say a prayer with you.  Actually you asked me to listen to your prayer.  Here is how it went.

"Dear God, You are welcome that I was nice to my sisters today.  Amen."



Newborn Comparison



Tillie & Georgia

Liza Nell

From Daddy

Dear Liza Nell …  You are here and you are PERFECT!!  I want to share a few memorable things about the day you were born.  Your mom has kept track of most things in her notebook.  But this is my account of your special day- March 5, 2012.

As we were getting ready to drive to the hospital early Monday morning our emotions and excitement were running wild.  I was in such a fluster as I backed out of the driveway thinking about how we would be having a fifth baby in less than a few hours that I forgot what I was doing a hit my mirror on the garage door knocking the cover right off.    After a several minutes of laughter and hearing your mommy making fun of me I decided to turn on the radio to calm the nerves.  The first song that came on the radio was "Isn't She Lovely" which in hindsight must have been a little foreshadowing since we didn't now if you were going to be a boy or a girl.   Right after that song was over "In Da Club" came on and your mom and I started singing the lyrics "yo shortly it's your birthday we gonna party like it's your birthday" and then looked at each other and laughed.  What a memorable car ride talking about all the unknowns that would revile themselves in just a few hours … what your name would be, how much we thought you would weigh and if you were a boy or a girl. That was really a special moment in time that we will both remember forever.

We got to the hospital, we checked in and the waiting began.  We were told that the surgery would start around 7am but we were bumped a couple of hours.   We had the same nurse that we did when the twins were born.  She was nice and easy going which helped calm our nerves.  All of your grandparents were able to be at the hospital to share in the excitement of your big arrival!  They waited anxiously in the lobby wondering if they were going to have a new grandson or granddaughter but mostly that you were born without any complications.  I came out several times to let them know we were still waiting.  Then all of a sudden it was go time … we were finally going to get to meet you!!

Your mommy did such an awesome job even though she threw up throughout the entire c-section operation.  The doctors and nurses worked away and then finally at 9:23am on Monday, March 5th the doctor lifted you up and I was proud to tell mommy that we had another beautiful baby GIRL!  Your mommy was so happy and  she said, "It is?!" right as the doctor held you up further so she could see you.  Our tears immediately started to flow as we were to happy to have you in our lives.  The instantly feeling of love cannot be described!  

As the nurses were cleaning you up they noticed that your lungs were working extra hard due to some fluid in your lungs so they wanted to have the NICU doctor stop in a check you out.  I made sure that mommy knew you were alright and healthy but needed some help clearing out your lungs.  The doctor decided that you should spend the first couple days in the NICU to make sure there were no issues with you breathing on your own.  With much disappointment   we had to let them take you to the NICU for observation before we were even able to hold you for the first time (just like we had to do with your big sister Tillie).  They let me cut your cord and then you were on your way.  After I walked you up to your room I left to go tell the anxiously waiting grandparents the great news.  They were al very shocked and exited to have another baby granddaughter!

While you were in the NICU I took several pictures and sent them to mommy so she could see you and all the grandparents were able to come to see you in the NICU.  Later that day after your mommy recovered and rested for several hours she was able to convince the nurse that she was ready to see you.  I will never forget the first time your mommy held you and you just cuddled up in her arms … and you guys haven't stopped cuddling since!  Seriously, she won't put you down.  After a few chest x-rays, a few hours under the O2 hood, and 48 hours of IV and antibiotics they decided you were doing great and could be released from the NICU.  Once you went back to mommy's room your brother and sisters were able to come visit you in the hospital and they all fell in love with you right away.  Even  Theo. (this was a big improvement … when we told Theo over the phone that he had another sister he was in pure shock and he fell to the floor).   I convinced him having 4 younger sisters would benefit him when he was older :)

Here's to you little Liza Nell, you are a perfect fit to our family.  We love you more than words can describe.

Love, Daddy

Liza Nell Nixon
March 5, 2012 @9:23 am
7lbs 3 oz 19.75 in

Here's to you little Liza Nell.  You are a perfect fit to our family.  Even Theo thinks so, after a little convincing that another sister would work out just fine in the long run.

Liza Nell Nixon...March 5, 2012 @9:23 am...7lbs 3 oz...19.75 inches.

