Monday, March 4, 2013

The Night before your 1st Birthday

Dear Liza Nell,
Tomorrow you are ONE.  It's crazy to me that on this day last year, we didn't know you.

We didn't know if you were a boy or a girl or how 5 kids under 5 was going to go.

My first look at you, so surprised you are a girl.
but the funny thing is,  we didn't  realize just how much our family was missing you until you were already here.

Your first time all together!

And my favorite part is that it only took a split second for you to fit right in, and from that moment on I couldn't remember what life was like without you.  I don't think any of us could.

our little babe in the NICU, mommy's first hold

The girls
how cute!
Summer 2012

Winter 2013



Middle sister

Dear Middle Sisters,

While at target (surprise), I happened upon this wine with the brand name "Middle Sister". They come in a variety of different descriptions for that particular middle sister..."sweet and sassy/moscato, forever cool/ merlot", etc. I decided to get a few bottles in representation of all of my own "middle sisters".

Mischief Maker/ Cabernet for Mayzie, sweet & Sassy/ moscato for Georgia and Wild One for Tillie. From now on, when a certain middle sister in this house has had a day-( for lack of a better word), which you have quite often, I won't get overly upset or lose my cool. I will instead look forward to a glass of wine in honor of me making it to bedtime despite your attitude that day!

And if you all have a "day". I picked up a bottle of drama queen/ Pinot Grigio. Because that's basically what every girl under this roof is, a drama queen.

