Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Metaphor

Dear Kids,

I was frustrated today.  We were doing errands and "had" to run into Kohl's quick to find a pair of sunglasses I have wanted.  Quick doesn't happen,

 A. with 5 children and B.  In a giant department store.

Will I ever learn?  Lets face it about the only place quick these days in Jimmy John's.  And even they were terrible today-busy and slow. (On the one day I have to feed my kids on the go.)  Back to the metaphor.

Still in the car in the parking lot, I gave you all the pep talk: If you are good and don't run around and get into things maybe you can pick out a special book.  You all agreed.  Even the twins.  "k, mama!"  They both said.  You did good.  Really good.  Theo pushed Georgia in a stroller/cart and I pushed Tillie and had Liza on my chest.  Mayzie walked.  I meant to say, you did good for the amount of time it should have taken us.  But, I couldn't find those dang sunglasses so I decided to look for other things.  For the love of God, we were already out of the car and in the store, I couldn't let this trip be for nothing.

I drug you all from corner to corner of that store, just browsing, hoping to find something to make it work the effort to get in there!  Time passed.  Liza began to wake up and over and over again I shoved that pacifier back in her mouth so she would drift back to sleep.  Theo had to go to the bathroom.  Mayzie was bored and couldn't make it through the isles without stopping to whine and pout and say her feet were tired every couple of minutes.  Even my stop in the jewelry department for her to pick out a necklace wasn't cutting it by this point.  Georgia couldn't  sit still in her stroller and kept tossing her shoes out and screaming when I wouldn't give them back so she could do it again.  Tillie was good.  She always is.  You were hungry.  It was lunch time.  I looked at my watch and it was time to go.  We needed to get Theo to school and stop for lunch at Jimmy John's.  (Speedy fast...not so much today.)  Back to the megaphor again.

My ducklings
I was annoyed...still nothing to purchase except for one tiny little outfit for Liza, and a cart full of who knows what that Tillie, Mayzie and Georgia had been throwing random things in, like bras, bracelets, toys etc.  All of which we just left at the front of the store for someone else to put back.  Sigh.  I really wanted those sunglasses not because I wanted the glasses so much but because we had stayed so long I wanted all my efforts of having kept everyone relatively controlled in a public place to have been worth my time.

I thought about just walking out and putting the tiny outfit back.  But, decided to go ahead and buy it.  Well, I should have just left.  The check out lady was SLOWER THAN SLOW.  And of course there was a line.  And waiting in that line.  WE LOST IT.  Liza Was screaming.  That automatic door is too tempting for toddlers.  Now Mayzie had to go to the bathroom (yes I asked her when we went back the first time and she insisted that she didn't need to go), and department stores are no place for energetic 5 year old boys.  And then my milk started leaking- 30 minutes early.

We left the line.  And the tiny little outfit.  And went to the car.  I was in a bad mood.  I told you all you needed to listen better and a store was not for running and how were we going to live our life if I couldn't take you out for more than 30 minutes to a place that requires good indoor behavior.  I said it all in my stern, mommy means business voice.  But I know it was my own fault.  You are just kids. When will I learn, You have to leave the store while every is still happy and not a minute later...I clearly already know this, and chose to ignore it!

We took Theo to school and as we were walking one of my friends said to me, "they are like little ducklings, just waddling behind you in a line."

"Ha!  Right now they are following me like little ducks, should have seen them 30 minutes ago!" I said.

So whats the metaphor?  Well,  believe it or not, while driving home  we were at the corner of 50th and University at the light.  And Mayzie says, "Look Mommy, duckies."  I looked and saw 5 ducklings and a mother.  They weren't obeying their mother either.  They were too close to the street, playing in some bushes and rocks, and I am certain that mother duck did not have any idea where all of her ducklings were.  So I have lost my train of thought about the metaphor in the week it has taken me to come back and finish writing this blog entry, but its something like this:  Even ducks don't always obey their mama.  All you can do is go with it, hoping the next time they follow behind you like little ducks.  Because lets face it.  It is totally worth it to get out of the house some days.

I love you 5 little ducks of mine, whether you are following me in a perfect line or not.



Thursday, May 24, 2012


Two small milestones have occurred and will occur tomorrow at the Nixon house.

Little One has rolled over...a loves to now.  It happened a week ago, and in my mind at least a month or two too early!  I still think its March and I just brought her home.  Partly because she is teeny little thing.  But, mostly because while the days drag out, the weeks and months fly by.  In the blink of an eye.

Speaking of which, my first little roller-over, my biggest baby, Theodore Everett is graduating from preschool tomorrow.  I have the kleenex prepared.  (I have another post in the works for this event.)  I am so proud of Theo.  I know graduating preschool is not a that big of a deal to anyone but Mom and Dad, but I am mostly proud of how he is turning out.  I love his personality!

Oh and one more thing.  Not only does she roll over now, she sleeps through the night.  So while most milestones are bittersweet in terms of our children growing up, sometimes they are just sweet with out the bitter.  It's a good feeling to get a little sleep.  Thank you, Miss Liza Nell.  Oh and  please tell your sisters that their molars don't hurt that bad in the middle of the night

Love, Mommy

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lil' Mama

Dear Tillie,

I am quite sure that if any of my children have 5 children of their own, it will be you.  You are such a mother hen.  I had to laugh a little when I peaked in on you at the gym nursery today and saw you carrying a play infant seat with a baby in it, while walking in play heels with your dress pulled up nursing a baby doll all at the same time.  I think you can handle twins someday, girlfriend.  

You are so loving, nurturing,  and especially calming...sometimes I need to take your lead!

Lovin' her baby

Nursing...with the boppy.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Did I???

Have you ever had one of those moments when you second guess yourself?


1. Did I turn off the curling iron?
2.  Did I close the garage door?
3.  Did I turn off the oven?
4.  Did I put deodorant on this morning?

And on and on and on....

Well here's one for you that I had yesterday.

The kids and I decided to take an impromptu trip to the zoo.  It went really well (my first time taking all 5 to the zoo)!  Success!

After we left I was driving home on Highway 5,  I took a look in the rearview to see who was still awake.  And then my heart skipped a beat.

5.  Did I remember to put the infant seat-with Liza in it- back into the car after I set it on the curb while we looked for Tillie's other shoe, or is she still sitting on that curb by where our car was parked?


She is hard to see in the rearview because her seat is directly behind mine.

Well, I guess its kind of not the same.  But, you get the idea.

I didn't forget her, by the way.  But, it is probably not a bad idea to have an extra responsible party with me when we go places that we didn't plan in advance.



Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Happy Mother's Day..Early, because I have time right now

Dear Theo, Mayzie, Georgia, Tillie and Liza Nell,

I saw this video today and I couldn't help but realize...

I've felt this way before.   You aren't olympians...yet.  (Only time will tell that) :)  But, being proud of your son or daughter is one of the best feelings in the world.

I was proud when I watched Theo score a goal at his soccer game.  I loved watching his face beam!

I was proud when I recorded Mayzie at dance class rehearsing for her recital.

I was proud when Theo helped buckle Georgia in her carseat and she looked up and him and said "Sank you Seo"  with her big big big blue eyes.

I was proud when Tillie sat and read a book to her sisters, so lovingly.

I was proud when Liza smiled at Mayzie a few minutes ago as Mayzie patted her head and just chatted with her.

I was proud at the very first cry I heard from all of you. (Some took a little longer than others, and some have been more frequent than others since.  And we have our good days, and our bad days,  But I have never stopped feeling this way about you.


Here is everybody at 2 months!

Theodore Everett 12.1 lbs
Theodore Everett

Mayzie Emma 11.4 lbs

Georgia Kate 7.12 lbs

Tillie Chandler 9.5 lbs
Georgia and Tillie

Liza Nell 8.4 lbs
Liza Nell
Dear Girls,

How many 5 year old boys do you know with 4 little sisters?  I love this kid!  Theo really does deserve a giant pat on the back...he is a great little boy.  We couldn't be more lucky to have him around.

Minor Mishaps

In no particular order...because I don't remember what order they even happened in.

1.  I caught Liza mid-air, upside down falling from the kitchen table.  Tillie thought she could get her our of her bouncy seat.  From now on...no bouncy seats on the table.  It would have been a disaster and a definite trip to the ER.  LESSON LEARNED!  Thank God I was close enough to drop what I was doing and RUN to her!

2.  Liza Nell had been coughing and we couldn't figure out what it was...later she spit up a popcorn kernel...we hadn't had popcorn except from the May Day baskets we had gotten 2 days earlier.  Who knows how long ago one of her sisters fed her that popcorn kernel?

3.  The checkout lady at Target- of course, where else would I be- asked me how old the baby was, I replied "8 weeks."  Then she asked boy or girl (the pink still doesn't give it away with my girls I guess) and I said "little girl."  Then she went on and asked what her name was, and I BLANKED.  I could not remember, I stuttered a little and then it finally hit me..."Liza", her name is "Liza" I said.  After that MOST EMBARRASSING moment ever, I felt like I should tell the lady her birthday and birth stats and when she last ate etc.  I wanted to make sure the checkout lady knew I didn't kidnap her or something!  

4. We have a crib climber. A very determined one.  She knows she can get out so she doesn't stay in.  Naps are her falling asleep on the floor for 20 minutes after she has thrown a huge fit, banging at her door for an hour.  Needless to say her sister just lays there.

Just thought I would share!


Your mom!