Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dear Tillie,

Your patience is a BLESSING!  There could have never been a more laid back and patient baby as you.  It is AMAZING!  
Please throw a fit every once in a while for something other than a bursting ear drum or a burning UTI or 3 lumbar punctures in a day and an infected Picc Line.

I don't think you have done more than a whimper when you are hungry in the past week!

You are making me feel guilty!



Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dear Mayzie,

I woke you up from your nap yesterday at 5:00.  I should have known that meant you were sick. Plus, with Michael out of town, it wouldn't be right for somebody not to get sick  You sure are sweet when you don't feel well.  We cuddled as much as we could, and you slept in my bed (along with Theo, who fell out of bed in the middle of the night and never did quite recover).  Its nice when your aren't so fiesty.  You are still sick today, but I think you are feeling better.

Love, Mommy

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am So Thankful...

...for Michael!  You are an amazing husband and father.

...for Theo! You are too smart for your own good.  I am blessed by your contagious smile everday.

...for Mayzie!  You are such a laid back little daddy's girl and can win anyone over with your piercing blue eyes. 

...for Georiga!  My littlest firecracker, I could listen to your belly laugh all day and enjoy our middle of the night feedings, (even though you are too old to be waking up at night) its a great time for us to bond.

...for Tillie! You have been through a lot, girlfriend, and are as tough as they come.  I am thankful for your calm and happy disposition and you are the best little cuddle bug!

...and I suppose for Duke!  You are a great friend to Theo, and Georgia sure gets a kick out of you.

and also for amazing family and friends!

Love, Mommy


PS.  I am also thankful for my DVR (watching 16 and Pregnant while blogging and all 4 kids are asleep!!!!)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I know you from somewhere...don't I???

Dear Georgia and Tillie,

I was wondering when this would finally happen. Georgia and Tillie, you have always been aware of one another and even comforted by each others' touch. But today, as you lay on the floor Georgia turned and looked at Tillie. You didn't just smile and squeal and continue to flap your arms and kick your legs, but rather you stared and waited for Tillie to look back at you. As if you could read her brainwaves and knew she was going to do just that. Which, she did. And nor did she just look at you, smile at you and continue to flap. She stared too. You both were just staring back at each other. It was as if you had just met, but had known each other for, well, forever. I sat in awe. It was a true "twin" moment. And it just got better. You both smiled, at the SAME TIME. If only I could have known what you both were thinking! I wanted so badly to go run and get the camera, but I didn't because I knew this was just one of those moments that wouldn't last for long and I didn't want to miss out.

Love, Mom

Sunday, November 21, 2010


For some reason I seemed to have lost my only "domestic touch"...baking. I have tried a few holiday recipes lately and failed miserably. Maybe as the holidays approach my magic touch will reappear.  Or maybe I just don't have the time like I used to.

When I was pregnant with Mayzie I would bake up a storm. I had sweetest sweet tooth that I ever had in my life. Everything I baked was perfect and delicious. It must have been a hormonal thing...or maybe just a foreshadowing of who was brewin' in there!

Would you look at those thighs? They look like tubes of cookie dough were stuffed in them! Its almost painful!  I wouldn't trade a baby like that for the world!  Chubby babies are the BEST... I dont think the twins will come close.

A couple of days ago Theo said, "Mom, I love Daddy so much.  I wish there were Michaels everywhere!"  It was so cute.

There is only one Michael...and lucky for Theo, he gets him!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Love these shoes and accessories...

Check out this cute website.  The shoes look so adorable and so very comfy...and so do the accesories!  I might just need to break down and buy some! For some reason the pictures of the shoes would not upload, so you will just need to check them out yourself.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Some of these are just WAY TOO MUCH! They are all from awkwardfamilyphotos.com! There are tons!

My favorite is the watermelon photo, the caption on the website says "its not just a fruit, its a lifestyle." Apparently so! Also, all I want to know is how they got all those 6 babies to sleep at the same time, and when they did why did that mom not shut her eyes too!?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I Look Nice Today

I stood in my closet and debated what to wear for the day. I knew we had to leave the house for Mayzie's dance class and later for Georgia's physical therapy session at the hospital. So, I tried to let that influence my decision, thinking to myself that I should probably look decent and half-way put together. That meant jeans, I have been having jean issues lately and these issues have been getting worse and worse. I don't know if its because I don't have to wear them or if I really have some weird body type that doesn't tolerate them. Either way, I don't want to look like that mom, especially in public so I pulled out my dark jeans and put them on.

I continued on with the morning and did a few things around the house. It was bad news from the get-go. I started to get hot and felt constricted. But, I kept them on and continued to go about my routine chores hoping I would somehow, someway get used to this discomfort. ( I mean come on, they are jeans, Hayley, they ARE COMFORTABLE.)

I used to wear jeans everyday, no questions asked. That's just what you wear. I knew that sweatpants are for vegging on the couch and going to the gym. Then I had Theo, and I wore sweats on the weekend. Which, I feel is still pretty acceptable, right? After Mayzie was born the sweat pants wearing got more frequent, but I still put a pair of jeans on every time I left the house. Since the twins have been around I have been a so-called "sweat-pant offender". On a totally related note, the same is true about how often I wash my hair...I'm up to 3 whole days in between washes. (Suddenly my hair just got feeling a little bit itchy).

Back to the story. I was having no luck, the discomfort just kept getting worse. I was constantly having to yank them up. (Why is it that every single pair of jeans I own manages to slip down and sit miserably on my c-section scar so that my left over baby belly flab bulges over the top?!)

By now all kids are awake and I am scurrying to get hair done, teeth brushed, babies fed, shoes on and my jeans just feel gross. Eventually we got the diaper bag packed, babies loaded in their carriers and everyone buckled into the van.

I could have just gotten in the driver seat and backed away with my jeans and cute top on, but I didn't. I rushed inside and grabbed my matching sweatpants and hoodie and put them on. Don't you worry, not the grungy sweats. I put on the sweats that are more tailored and have pockets on the back, plus the hoodie matches...so I look nice right? The sad part is, I have done this multiple times lately. I think in the near future, I am going to set a goal to only wear yoga/sweat pants once full day a week. I will let you know how it goes!

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Quick and Cute Mayzie Story

Dear Mayzie,

Your Dad took Theo and Mayzie to eat breakfast at Dahl's one morning last week.

Some strangers came up to Dad during breakfast and told him this story about the two of you, apparently it had them giggling...

As you waited in the booth while Dad waited in line to pay for the food you both had doughnuts to eat to keep you occupied. Theo kept peaking at Daddy and every time he turned away Mayzie would sneak a bite of Theo's doughnut without him knowing.

This story, surprised me in no way at all. Mayzie, you get sneakier and more mischievous by the minute! I know your dad loves it!

Love, Mommy

Its About Time to Blog

Dear Theo, Mayzie, Georgia and Tillie,

I titled this blog "Hungry, Hungry Hippos"-like the game. My life couldn't be summed up any better: no matter what I do everything happens at once. You all get hungry at the same time, wake up at the same time, poop at the same time, and throw fits at the same time.

You are 3, 2, and 5 months old and the blogging thing is way past due. This is going to be my way of "remembering". I should have started it a long time ago because there is so much that I have already forgotten but starting now I want to be sure to record all the little things that go on in your every day life...things that are cute, things that are messy, things that make me laugh, and cry, things that make me proud and things that make me want to pull my hair out.

I know these days are long, but I am told the years are short. Someday I will look back and I will miss these days of all things little and I won't be able to remember just how crazy it was. I hope we can someday look back on this blog and be reminded of so many memories, and of course how gosh darn cute all 4 of you are!

Love, Mommy