Friday, May 24, 2013

Motherly Instincts

Dear Twins,

I am not sure which one of you I am more impressed with:
Tillie's ability at just under 3 to seemingly be able to be the world's best "stay at home mom"....
You nurse...every 3 hours, if not more (and I swear to God, You probably actually do get up to nurse in the night).
You vacuum- while nursing a baby, in heels and carrying another in its infant seat, strapped in properly.
You take your babies in the little tikes red cozy coup to multiple appointments, play-dates and the park everyday...but only after you have put sunscreen on them. (Real human sunscreen)
You help me fold and put away laundry.
When you see a mess you clean it up.
You could probably cook a freaking amazing supper too, I don't know, I have yet to let you try it.


Georgia's resourcefulness when I told her she could absolutely not give her baby a bath in the sink because she was getting ready to leave with my mom and I didn't want her to get soaked.  
Yep, she is bathing the baby in the toilet...

Your twin sister probably would have called Child Protective Services regarding your "parenting" style, but I LOVE how you think on your feet!



Nursing is hard work...we have all fallen asleep doing it...even my 2 year old

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dear Tillie and Georgia,

ROUGH week for the two of you.  Per usual these days I guess.  I wish (and then again not) that someone could follow me around with a video camera so I could see exactly how ridiculous I often look as your parent, trying to get a hold of the two of you and all your DRAMA!  

I'm not sure if I would laugh or cry at what I saw...I suppose both.

Don't ask me why I am sharing this story, I really don't know.   It is either about to make a few moms feel more normal or way better about themselves.  

Yesterday after bathtime Tillie was mad that Theo and May got to go to the neighbors to play.  I was under the impression that Daddy had the girls and he was assuming that I had you.  Long story short, Daddy got a call from the neighbor saying "There's a cute blonde running down the street naked and its not your wife this time (umm what?!)."  Anyway, Michael went out the door and was pleasantly surprise to see Tillie being walked home by another neighbor completely naked, except for her shoes.  She remembered to put on her shoes.

Here is one for you, Georgia...happened on the same day.

YOU WONT GO TO SLEEP AT NIGHT! Last night I was at a meeting.  Obviously Dad was a little fed up given the incident above which happened right before I left.  As you cried for me, Dad decided to record you on his phone and then send it to me to make me feel bad and come home...(HA, never...well I guess maybe for Liza :) )  As it turns out,  When he listened to it (while you were still screaming for me) you ended up calming down and eventually falling asleep- yes, you fell asleep to the recorded sound of your own crying and yelling for your mom.  That is a new low we have hit, and also apparently a new trick we have now discovered in trying to calm Georgia down.

Yesterday was a day.  There are more stories from yesterday.  Thankfully today, you are both being adorable.  Deep breaths!

I Love you girls!



Dont judge for the typos in this...sorry!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Theo's Little Prayer

Dear Theodore,

Last night at bedtime this was the prayer you prayed:


Thank you for my family.  Have fun with all the people that died today.  Please let me get better at skating and hockey.


So simple.  I love it!



Monday, March 4, 2013

The Night before your 1st Birthday

Dear Liza Nell,
Tomorrow you are ONE.  It's crazy to me that on this day last year, we didn't know you.

We didn't know if you were a boy or a girl or how 5 kids under 5 was going to go.

My first look at you, so surprised you are a girl.
but the funny thing is,  we didn't  realize just how much our family was missing you until you were already here.

Your first time all together!

And my favorite part is that it only took a split second for you to fit right in, and from that moment on I couldn't remember what life was like without you.  I don't think any of us could.

our little babe in the NICU, mommy's first hold

The girls
how cute!
Summer 2012

Winter 2013



Middle sister

Dear Middle Sisters,

While at target (surprise), I happened upon this wine with the brand name "Middle Sister". They come in a variety of different descriptions for that particular middle sister..."sweet and sassy/moscato, forever cool/ merlot", etc. I decided to get a few bottles in representation of all of my own "middle sisters".

Mischief Maker/ Cabernet for Mayzie, sweet & Sassy/ moscato for Georgia and Wild One for Tillie. From now on, when a certain middle sister in this house has had a day-( for lack of a better word), which you have quite often, I won't get overly upset or lose my cool. I will instead look forward to a glass of wine in honor of me making it to bedtime despite your attitude that day!

And if you all have a "day". I picked up a bottle of drama queen/ Pinot Grigio. Because that's basically what every girl under this roof is, a drama queen.



Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Dear Mayzie,

When I opened the door and walked in the room you told me to be quiet and turn the light off because "all my kids are sleeping".

Wouldn't that be nice? If they all slept at the same time...all 15 of yours don't have a problem doing that.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Love Note

Dear Theo,

Yep, it happened.  You wrote your first "love note".  You cut out a red heart and wrote:

To: Avery  From: Theo
I like you.  I want to play with you.

For starters, you can get by with this "wording" at age 6, you may need to talk to your father for future age 16, " I want to play with you" may not be so appropriate :)  
I'll post a photo below, but the pencil didn't show up too well on your red heart.  So, in the future you will have to forgive me if things don't work out with Avery, based on the fact that I will probably be keeping this note for your memory box.  I know you are looking for it, since I stole it out of your backpack.  I have seen you searching  for it a couple of times but you won't ask me if I have seen it because you are too embarrassed.  

In the meantime, just know, the only girl you need for now is me...and your sisters.

Love you Buddy-bear,


Thursday, February 14, 2013

I know I shouldn't pick favorites..

..but how can I not?  

Dear Liza Nell,

11 months!  How did this happen?  I love having you as my little hip pack.  Can I please just carry you around FOREVER?

SLOW down February!  I want my baby to last forever!  


Dear Body,

I know it has been 11 months, and typically the next member of the litter is on his/her way, but this time its not happening so please quit craving McDonald's egg and cheese biscuits...we are sitting this round out, deal???