Thursday, June 9, 2011

One Year Comparison Pictures!

Georgia Kate
Mayzie Emm

Tillie Chandler

Theodore Everett

I cant believe its been a year

Dear Girls ( and the rest of the family),

We did it! We made it a full year with not only twins, but 4 kids that span the ages of just over three years between number one and four.

It has been nothing short of a whirlwind.  I think I have experienced every emotion in the book.   However hard it is to raise one baby during the first year...two is well, twice as hard if not more...and add in a couple of toddlers- you get the idea, very challenging!

Sometimes I wonder exactly how we survived (especially on that amount of sleep, this part refers only to me)  Lots of days, I have forgotten to eat, sacrificed my shower, never had a minute to myself because the girls were on opposite napping schedule.  Planning ahead to leave the house has taken on a new art form for need it, my diaper bag probably has it in there.

But as twice as hard of a year as it was learning how to take care of twins and trying to meet the needs of two other children, it was three times as amazing.  Watching our 4 kids grow together over the past year has been so rewarding.    It is so fun to see their personalities interacting with one another.  Lately, I feel like we live with a litter of puppies, always wrestling around on the floor, bickering with eachother, and lots of times somebody is giving me a slobbery kiss.  Actually just yesterday, Georgia was crawling around with a part of Duke's bone in her mouth.

I know it sounds crazy, but I am proud of our family for making it through this first year...our family changed a lot  and we overcame quite a few challenges and every one had to do their part to adjust.

Theo and Mayzie have done wonderfully!  (Other than Mayzie's occasional attempt to "see what happens if fill in the blank and she has done it.)  It really is a true miracle that those girls survived Mayzie.   But, she is the middle child so I will give it to her.  Theo has become the best big brother to three little sisters, although I am sure that will get more difficult as the estrogen in this house builds up in the years to come.

Georgia and Tillie have been the best babies a busy mom could ask for.  They are laid back and go with the flow, they can take a little pestering from Theo and Mayzie and they can be flexible with their nap schedules.   They are both sweeter than sweet!

I know our struggles aren't over, and things are going to be busy for a while, but they do say that if you can make it through the first year with multiples you are going to be fine.  Well, we made it!  And it has been the best year yet!  We are so lucky to have Georgia and Tillie!



one day old, 20 months, 3 years
1 year old, 2 1/2, 4 years
Now we have 6ish months to prepare for the terrible two's (2x)...but hey, at least I am sleeping through the night :)

Happy 1st Birthday Georgia andTillie!!!

This video is REALLY long...may want to fast forward.

Georgia and Tillie:  

Where has this year gone?  I'm sure it has been a long year for you just sitting around waiting to eat, sleep,  and get your pants changed but to mommy and me it feels like just yesterday we were holding you at the hospital for the first time.  One year ago today you guys were born and that will always be one of the best days of my life.  Even though the year has flown by there are so many fun and memorable things that you have done.  It has been awesome watching you grow and learn so much over the past year but the best part has been seeing you interact together.  Most of your interactions have been acts of love towards each other but there has also been the occasional fight over who gets the open juice box or who has the best toy (at least you aren't fighting over clothes or boys ... hopefully those days are a long time away).  Anyway, I hope you guys have a great 1st birthday and I want you to know that you are very special to me and we are blessed to have you as part of our family.

Love always,

Thursday, June 2, 2011

It has been a crazy, busy end of May! 

Mayzie had her very first dance recital- so adorable, and she loved it!   She really was too cute for words.  We let her keep her costume on for the rest of the night (out to eat and everything.)  She was very proud and felt very pretty!

Theo officially finished 3 year old preschool and we are so very proud of him.  Although, he was writing his name just fine we have recently found that he has started writing it from right to left and making the "e" backwards...I am told its no big deal and to just keep correcting it.  He had a great year, and I am sure with miss school this summer.

Theo also did soccer and flag football.  Its so cute to watch little kids play sports.  I coached 3 to 7 year old soccer in college, and it is a little weird to have my own 4 year old playing now!

We have been running around to graduation parties, birthday parties, and you name it- it all seems to happen at the end of May!  The Twins have been along for the ride like the troopers they are...missing naps every couple of days and not even having melt downs.  Its amazing what you do with number 3 and 4 that you would never think of with number 1.

We had a wonderful three day Memorial Weekend...lots of family time and it finally got warm enough for our first trip to the pool of the season.  It went well, every one had fun and we didn't have any near drowning experiences!  Although, we are going to have to keep an eye on Georgia...that girl is loving the water!!!  Tillie, not so much.  I am excited for summer with my kids!  Just lots of time to play and I don't have to be parked under the shady tree so I can nurse every 45 minutes!

Hooray for summer!!