Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hospital Vacation

Some days I actually have to tell  my self that the 3 day "hospital vacation"...is probably not worth another pregnancy, surgery and baby.  Or is it?  Three nights and four days of laying in a bed, watching TV uninterrupted, unlimited supply of fountain pop, being brought your food and water, and GIVING YOUR BABY TO SOMEONE ELSE WHEN YOU NEED A NAP!!!!!

Maybe if it were an entire week,and if my stomach were some sort of super-elastic rubber band :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Used to Girls

Dear Theo,

We were talking about who to invite to your birthday party next month, we started listing off friends all boys so far, then we got to a little girl, and you chimed in, "Mom, I don't care if I have girls at my party too.  I am used to girls."

On a side note.  Theo usually wears a pull-up to bed at night still. Since Mayzie is the one potty training now I have started buying princess pull-ups and stopped buying the Toy Story kind in order to keep her motivated.  Theo, with out a fuss at all, will put on those princess pull-ups before bed like a true man...without a single complaint.

That kid is either going to make the world's best husband or he is never going to want to get married.




 These  babies' chubby legs are nothin' compared to ...

This baby's chubby legs!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Caught Ya!

Dear Mayzie,

You are TOO much!  Its great to have little helpers, even though more food might make it into your own mouth than into your sister's.



7 months

Dear Girls,

We are now closer to your 1st birthday (June 9, 2011) then we are to your "birth"day (June 9, 2010)...tear : I honestly don't know why I am so reluctant to let you grow older, but I am.  I don't remember doing this with the other two.  I think it is because I haven't really had the time to sit and enjoy you both as babies because there are two of you and your two older siblings so there really isn't much time.  If I could freeze time I would! But I can't, so I will try not to dwell on it and embrace the super fast rate at which you seem to be getting big!

Personality wise, you haven't changed much from the beginning. Although your personalities are becoming even more distinctive each month. Tillie you're still laid-back and SUPER easy going.  Georgia you are fiesty and strong-willed.  You have started noticing and interacting with eachother so much more and its amazing to watch.  You both also are fasinated by Theo and Mayzie, who LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you both!

Both of you are rolling machines, and have mastered the sitting skill, which makes it easier for you to play together.  Tillie, you have gotten your two bottom teeth!  We are working on eating baby food...and slowly making progress.  At 7 months Mayzie was eating two containers, but you girls just share one still.  Georgia bables and squeals loudly, a lot like Theo did as a baby! She also says mamamama, dadadadada.  Its so sweet. 

We have one more month with 4 kids under 4 years old, next month Theo turns 4!  It is truly getting easier.  You both sleep better and have a consitent nap time.  Although Tillie goes to bed earlier and sleeps in later for both naps and through the night.  I'll admit, for the first 3 months at least there were times that I used to wake up in the morning and not know where to start...who to feed first, to wake up anyone or let them sleep, to pump or nurse etc.  Things aren't so challenging any more, don't get in my way first thing in the morning.  I have the routine down to a science.

Anyway, here's to 7 incredible months learning how to raise twins, that I can't believe have already passed!



Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Its official, we are in the thick of Winter around here.  Everything is "blah".  You are acting like caged animals, all the summer highlights from everyone's hair is washed out, your skin requires extra lotion, you beg for snacks all day long and we HAVE to wear boots everywhere we go.  They are no long a cute accessory, now just a necessity.  Done with boots, ready for flips.  January through March- the very worst time of the year.  The only good thing is Valentine's Day and Mr. Theo's birthday on February 23rd. Its seriously NO fun to  be cold, bottom line!

All that bad stuff about Winter said, we do manage, and have some great times cooped up inside with each other!

Here are a couple of things we did to keep warm and help with the boredem one night a couple of weeks ago, while it was fReeZinG outside.

We tied your legs together and watched you try to walk...hilarious!

We "lassoed" Jessie by the neck and hung her from the balcony spindles (our house is not that fancy) and flew the remote control helicopter around her, trying to save her.  Countless hours have been spent flying that thing, and we have had any casualties from it yet.  We have had some close calls with the babies, but so far so good!
Also, boys must go through a "tie things up" phase because Theo, you are always asking me to tie things together and hang them..

Friday, January 14, 2011

Man Down

Dear Girls,

You are working on sitting and it is pretty well mastered.  Still though, you both topple over if left sitting for too long.  Today Tillie toppled over and Georgia cried for her.  I was watching.  It didn't phase Tillie, she just kept chewing on the toy she was chewing on before she lost her balance.  Georgia watched her, heard the "thud" and waited to see if Tillie was going to cry, and when she didn't she took the matter into her own hands.  Now, Tillie is rolling all over the floor with the same toy, and Georgia is here on my lap as I type and console her for her sister's fall.



Monday, January 3, 2011

Around here...

...somebody is always hungry!

...you make your own fun!

...you are all four never fully clothed at the same time!

...and you can make your big brother's hand-me-downs look so gosh darn adorable!  Like these flame converse shoes- so cute!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Dear Kids,

So its 2011!  This is the first year since 2004 that I will not be pregnant or will not give birth. Let me show you:

2005: pregnant twice but miscarried
2006:  miscarried and in May got pregnant with Theo

2007: Theo- born Febraury 23rd

2008:  Got pregnant with Mayzie in January and she was born September 30

2009:  Got pregnant with the twins in September

2010:  Twins were born June 9

Seriously, is this for real????

And here I am in 2011, with 4 wonderful kids to begin a brand new year and I couldn't be happier.  Really, though the years are flying by like airplanes.  I wish they would slow down but they don't, they just go by more quickly!

For the first time in a LOOOONNNNGGGG time Dad and I stayed out late on New Year's Eve...no TV party NYE for us.   We had our own party to go to .   Actually it was the wedding of my dear friend, Channing (speaking of years flying by- there were a couple pictures of us in her slideshow when we were like 12, holding my little sister as a newborn...what the heck, those days feel like yesterday!).   We had a fabulous time dancing the night away.  Your dad didn't know too many people but he's so friendly with everyone it didn't really matter.  Plus, we brought our new SLR Nikon camera and that kept him busy for ALL of the reception.  A number of times he told me he was "starting his new hobby" and I kept catching him trying to talk "photography" with the actual wedding photographer.  I had a couple girls from high school tell me they thought it was cute how he followed me around and took pictures of me- I guess it was a little bit cute of him, just a little.  He cracks me up that guy.

Speaking of cute, Channing's wedding was so darn cute (she made her own felt flowers)!  She married a wonderful guy and I just couldn't be happier for her.  The wedding was beautiful and the reception was a blast!  If you kids can believe it,  Daddy and I even rang in the new year with a kiss!  Yes, that means I was up, at a party, dancing at 12:00 am CENTRAL time!!!  Oh to be young again.  I will confess once I realized that it was 11:55 I started to get a little panicked thinking about the  reprocussions of the next day.  I told your dad on numerous occassions, "We are leaving at midnight."  After finally getting him to pack up the camera we did scoot out of there at about 12:05, but not before Dad grabbed the complimentary pizza and donut they served at midnight.  It was a fun ending to 2010!

I am excited to see what 2011 has in store for our family and each of you indivually.  My prayer is for healthy, happy children and lots of great family time together!

Happy New Year Theo, Mayzie, Georgia and Tillie!!!!

Love, Mommy