Thursday, January 20, 2011

7 months

Dear Girls,

We are now closer to your 1st birthday (June 9, 2011) then we are to your "birth"day (June 9, 2010)...tear : I honestly don't know why I am so reluctant to let you grow older, but I am.  I don't remember doing this with the other two.  I think it is because I haven't really had the time to sit and enjoy you both as babies because there are two of you and your two older siblings so there really isn't much time.  If I could freeze time I would! But I can't, so I will try not to dwell on it and embrace the super fast rate at which you seem to be getting big!

Personality wise, you haven't changed much from the beginning. Although your personalities are becoming even more distinctive each month. Tillie you're still laid-back and SUPER easy going.  Georgia you are fiesty and strong-willed.  You have started noticing and interacting with eachother so much more and its amazing to watch.  You both also are fasinated by Theo and Mayzie, who LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you both!

Both of you are rolling machines, and have mastered the sitting skill, which makes it easier for you to play together.  Tillie, you have gotten your two bottom teeth!  We are working on eating baby food...and slowly making progress.  At 7 months Mayzie was eating two containers, but you girls just share one still.  Georgia bables and squeals loudly, a lot like Theo did as a baby! She also says mamamama, dadadadada.  Its so sweet. 

We have one more month with 4 kids under 4 years old, next month Theo turns 4!  It is truly getting easier.  You both sleep better and have a consitent nap time.  Although Tillie goes to bed earlier and sleeps in later for both naps and through the night.  I'll admit, for the first 3 months at least there were times that I used to wake up in the morning and not know where to start...who to feed first, to wake up anyone or let them sleep, to pump or nurse etc.  Things aren't so challenging any more, don't get in my way first thing in the morning.  I have the routine down to a science.

Anyway, here's to 7 incredible months learning how to raise twins, that I can't believe have already passed!



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