Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am So Thankful...

...for Michael!  You are an amazing husband and father.

...for Theo! You are too smart for your own good.  I am blessed by your contagious smile everday.

...for Mayzie!  You are such a laid back little daddy's girl and can win anyone over with your piercing blue eyes. 

...for Georiga!  My littlest firecracker, I could listen to your belly laugh all day and enjoy our middle of the night feedings, (even though you are too old to be waking up at night) its a great time for us to bond.

...for Tillie! You have been through a lot, girlfriend, and are as tough as they come.  I am thankful for your calm and happy disposition and you are the best little cuddle bug!

...and I suppose for Duke!  You are a great friend to Theo, and Georgia sure gets a kick out of you.

and also for amazing family and friends!

Love, Mommy


PS.  I am also thankful for my DVR (watching 16 and Pregnant while blogging and all 4 kids are asleep!!!!)

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