Monday, March 7, 2011


Dear Theo,

Today I asked you to pick up your room before snack, I went upstairs and it was spotless (for a four year old).  My jaw dropped!  

After dinner I asked you to sign your name on a couple of "thank you" notes from your birthday.  I heard you complain, "how can I write my name 5 times?!"  About 10 minutes later you were playing and I thought for sure there would be one thank you signed.  I went over to the table to pick them up and  help you with them...I looked inside each one.  ALL FIVE SIGNED (and in such good handwriting)!!!  Thank YOU for being so obedient today!

Love, Mommy

Dear Mayzie,

You relapsed and are re-addicted to the binky.  It's so annoying!  You wouldn't take that thing out of your mouth today.  I have been hanging on to them because I am hoping the girls will use it, but by now I doubt they will.  Tonight I am throwing them ALL away.  Sorry, girl.  You just can't be potty-trained but still suck a binky- not in this house.  

You colored with a red sharpie on the hard-wood floor while I was making dinner tonight.  And tried to tie the string on your balloon around Tillie's neck.

You can be naughty, but you are really sweet too.  Today we cuddled and kissed a lot and I also noticed that your hair is getting so long, and you are getting so pretty! 

Love, Mommy

Dear Georgia, 

You cried all day.  Poor baby.  I think you are teething and I wish I could make you feel better.  Nothing would make you happy today and you sure let me know it.  Hopefully tomorrow you will be back to your spunky little self!

Love, Mommy

Dear Tillie, 

Quit being so darn sweet and cuddly!  You were on the move today! We practiced waving, shaking our heads yes and no, clapping and doing "so big".   You are such a content baby  and I so thankful for that everyday!

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

  1. I loved these... especially the relapsed victim. Did you know Suri Cruise still uses a binky? (she is 5!) I guess if you're a celebrity child you can do whatever you want and Mayzie wants to follow in her footsteps!
