Thursday, December 16, 2010

6 Months Ago

Dear Baby Girls,

Just 6 SHORT months ago you came out of my tummy and into this world.  Our lives have never been the same but has been twice as amazing ever since.

I won't lie, the past 6 months have been nothing short of a blur, like I swear I just checked into the hospital yesterday.  And it for sure  has been double the work.  My brain has been scattered, then nights have been long, the days have been crazy and the laundry never gets done.  But I would not trade either of you for anything in the world.

Georgia, you are spunky.  You love to belly laugh and I love to listen to it and you can pitch of fit when you get fed up.  You go from hot to cold within a second.  You are already keeping up with Theo and Mayzie in your own little way, and I am pretty sure you will be giving them a run for their money.  You love to talk, you still wake up in the night-just to be held sometimes.  You love your puppy, Duke.   You are a snacker.  I don't think you have ever finished an entire bottle.  You usually have a furrowed brow, and it has to be your idea or you aren't going to do it..i.e.  smiling when being talked to.

Tillie, you are quiet and content.  You love to observe.  You go with the flow in every sense of the term.  You are my cuddle buddy and your smile melts me each and every time I see it.  When I look in your eyes I feel like you know so much.  You are content to sit back and watch the world around you.  You smile at people no matter what.  You are a sleeper- thanks!  You still have very little hair, and the hair you do have looks red.  You are as sweet as they come.  Sometimes you get lost in the shuffle of the day, and I feel bad because I realize you have been playing in the exer-saucer for way too long.

Tillie, you always reach your arm over to Georgia and Georgia you always look back at Tillie.  I have loved watching each of you develop your own personalities while becoming the best of friends.  You really do have a special bond.  Although I can't say I would love to do the "twin" thing again (its a lot of work)  I feel so incredibly blessed to be able to experience this with both of you.  We are so glad  you are in our lives!



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